Morning Sun Café - 아침해 카페
변함없이 찾아 주셔서 감사 합니다
Dear Mr. Yu,
Congratulations on your new website!
It is an impressive accomplishment,
especially for someone who has only been using computers for a short amount of
time. The speed with which you have learned is evidence of your intelligence
and determination.
I've found your website to be an
excellent way to learn about your thoughts and philosophies, and also a
convenient place to share family memories.
I'm also personally excited to have
a place that I can study Korean culture and hopefully even pick up a few
As you enter this new phase of your
life, it is important to keep your mind active and engaged. The website's a
great way to do this, so I congratulate you and Stephen Cook again. Best
-Matt Hubbard
방문하신그대의 모습이 너무나 아름 답읍니다 -향기나는 MSCcafe아침해 카페 에서…
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